Great Western Olives

This small, family owned olive grove, near the Grampians in Victoria, produces Frantoio, Manzanillo and Kalamata olives, to create an award winning cold pressed extra virgin olive oil.

Great Western VIC 3374

What's it all about?

Great Western Olives is a small family owned olive grove near the Grampians in western Victoria. Frantoio, Manzanillo and Kalamata olives are grown there. The olives are used to produce a cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, rich in anti-oxidants, with fresh aromatic flavours and a mild peppery finish.

The oil won a silver medal at the 2010 Australian National Extra Virgin Olive Oil Show.

The olive grove is run by Bill and Helen Francis, and is part of their small farm with native grass pastures and some cattle. The grove is growing in a native pasture block which is maintained by slashing the grass and weeds and occasional use of herbicide to control grass between the trees. The trees and fruits themselves are generally not sprayed with any chemical. Irrigation is used during the summer and early autumn.

Related Keywords: extra virgin olive oil


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